
Your ghost paid me a visit last night

When I woke up, he hadn’t left

He and I went back to the past

Same road

Same car we usually used

The road hadn’t changed

Instead it had more potholes

Was more dusty

The morning was chilly

But not as cold as the chills that went down my spine

Same people

Same old rusty houses

This hell hadn’t changed

My eyes were filled with tears

And sadness engulfed my heart

For I realized that there were others that were still stuck

Here in this ugly, ugly hell

But it was more heart wrenching thinking that maybe

Maybe your cruel self had hunted and pounced on another innocent naive soul

Or souls

Where’d you come from?

Why are you here to relinquish the good ones?

Who from hell sent you?

Why can’t you just go back to the hell hole you first came from?

I just wish you could

And so, down the same road am wiser

And stronger

Down the same road I can face you

But I don’t think you’ll remember me

For I am not the same

I will never be the same again

You did this to me

I was beautiful


But not anymore

All because of you

But what about the ones you’ve come to destroy?

You wait for their mothers to birth

To nurture

To love

And to tend

And then like harvest, you come for the fresh ones

And you do what you do best

You Destroy

© akeela2018


Photo Credit: Google

24 thoughts on “Haunted”

    1. Thanks Rajaneesh, I sure will keep that in mind
      Oh, and btw I nominated you for the mystery blogger award, kindly have a look at it on my previous post and I would really appreciate if you could accept it 😊

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