Take My Hand…

Come, My Love,

Take my hand,

Let me guide you to the deep dungeon inside my head,

Allow me to unmask,

See how ugly I am in my scars,

My Love, I am without a heart,

This here inside of me is sick and tired and weary,

It has been torn and broken,

It has been trampled on more times than I could ever count,

It doesn’t beat like it used to,

My Love, Do you love what you see?

Do you love this creation?

An example of imperfection?

My Love, Are you ready to stand up for this creature of a woman?

Who lost her dignity to the sins of her past?

Who’s beauty was brutally tortured out of her?

Do you still want to bathe her in love and affection?

Then allow her to get sundried by the glow of your eyes?

My Love, Are you sure you still want Me as your love?

Image Credit: Google

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